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Messages - Babyfacemagee

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The Lounge - Off Topic Forum / Re: Tesla Model Y
« on: February 09, 2018, 06:59:47 PM »
Elon said during this week's earnings report press conference that the company was turning attention to the Model Y crossover now so I'm hoping the answer is yes.


Bitcoin Just passed $14,000. Here's Why It's On Its Way To At Least $100,000 And Why You Need To Buy Some Now.

1. Goldman Sachs has been hiring 'Blockchain' and 'Crypto' Experts and is widely rumored to be working on a 'crypto exchange' that will open sometime in mid-2018.

2. Morgan Stanley has backtracked from its previous skepticism and is now calling Bitcoin 'Digital Gold', saying cryptocurrencies are a new asset class

3. Futures Trading has been approved by both CME, the world's largest options exchange as well as the (CBOE) Chicago Board Options Exchanges.

4. Japan has ruled that Bitcoin is a legal currency and futures trading is being planned for the Tokyo Financial Exchange.

5. Amazon is rumored to be considering accepting Bitcoin as payment for its products, following competitor Overstock.com which already accepts Bitcoin as well as Square, which enables users to pay with Bitcoin.

6. Bitcoin adoption has reached 'critical mass' with the general public and many mainstream institutions accepting it as 'legit'. Bitcoin and cryptocurrency ETFs are now being offered and mainstream publications such as Forbes, Fortune and Time are featuring cover stories on it.

7. The cryptocurrency and blockchain industry is experiencing tremendous job growth and features higher pay and better benefits than comparable positions in other industries

8. There will only ever be 21 million Bitcoins.  The Bitcoin protocol doesn't allow for any more.  Overwhelming demand meeting this very limited supply is causing and will continue to cause the price of Bitcoin to explode.  Some are forecasting it could hit $100,000 and world famous investors are predicting it will go even higher such as Mark Yusko ($400,000) and John McAfee and James Altucher ($1,000,000) within 5 years.

9. Tom Lee of Fundstrat advisors says - If bitcoin captures "5 percent of just the gold market, it's $25,000," Lee added. "But 5 percent seems like an awfully small number. Let's say it's 10 or 15. Then bitcoin could easily be in the $100,000 range."  We think this is on the low end. 

10. Bitcoin allows you to be in control of your wealth.  Instead of putting it in savings or checking accounts, allowing bankers to then use your money to make high risk investments that WE have to bail them out of (like in 2008) when they don't work out, owning Bitcoin allows you to keep possession of your wealth without the risk of someone else's decisions.  And by its very nature Bitcoin is a deflationary currency rather than inflationary.  This means it will GAIN value as time goes on rather than LOSE value like the US dollar where the Fed can print as much as it wants deflating the price.  Bitcoin is a better option for your savings.

Coinbase, the largest, most user friendly and most trusted Bitcoin exchange has added well over 100,000 new accounts in the past 30 days alone due to the exploding value of Bitcoin.   This is something you don't want to miss out on.

The time to buy Bitcoin is NOW.  You don't have to buy an entire Bitcoin.  Even a hundred dollars worth could be worth a nice chunk of cash if Bitcoin keeps increasing in value dramatically. Get $10 in Free Bitcoin when opening an account using the referral link below.

(Hint, it's much more than just digital money)

Up until a few months ago, like a lot of people I'd heard of 'Bitcoin' and 'cryptocurrency' but frankly while it seemed mildly interesting, I didn't feel any overwhelming urge to figure out how to get some or use it.  It sounded like a less secure, new fangled, roundabout way of paying for things 'electronically' and since so few places accept them for payment vs. the dollar...I didn't see the point. Why bother, right?

Wrong. Boy was I wrong. Because what I didn't understand...and most of you reading this probably don't either...is that many of these new 'cryptocurrencies' that we see in the news are not 'currencies' at all...they are actually a new technology utilizing a structure called the blockchain that are creating the next version of the internet, an internet 3.0 right now...and the vast majority of people have no idea this is going on.  How is that you ask?  Because many of these digital 'coins' are actually more like programming languages that let you build decentralized applications.  What the heck is that you ask?  Let me explain.

Let's say you want to buy a product off of Ebay, or Amazon like a pair of shoes.  Or perhaps you want to rent a room for a weekend through Airbnb, or get a car ride to the airport through Uber.  All of these businesses utilize a middleman that you have to pay a fee to for their service.  Think about it. You buy something from Ebay or Amazon and they take their little cut out of the seller's gross.  You book a room through airbnb or a car from uber and again...they take a little cut out of the seller's piece or charge a fee to the buyer...either way there's a middleman.

But what if you could get rid of the middle man?  What if there was some kind of company that did each of these things...sold goods..rented homes...drove you around....and there was no middle man?   What if transactions were peer to peer...you to the seller direct...without the middle man's fee?  Well that is exactly what the blockchain allows programmers to do.  Create decentralized applications, businesses, markets, etc.  It does this by utilizing the blockchain as a way of keeping everyone honest.  How?  Well, this video does a nice job of explaining it. 


But the important thing to realize is that what we are looking at here is basically the dawn of a brand new internet.  Just like in 1992-94 nobody could have predicted that Amazon or Uber or Facebook or Google could become the behemoths we see today.  Twenty years from now people are going to look back and say the same thing about decentralized, blockchain based companies that will be just as big...or bigger.

It's very likely we'll have decentralized search engines without advertising, we'll have decentralized selling with brand new 'amazons' or 'ebays'. We'll have decentralized banking without the bank taking fees and we'll have virtually every kind of business you can imagine from insurance to education to manufacturing to distribution and it will be done through decentralized applications and companies that basically 'live' on the internet and don't require a middle man taking a fee.

Once you understand this concept the next thing to understand is that the cryptocurrencies that we see today...and the new ones being introduced...are all representative of different kinds of decentralized  businesses and these digital 'coins' are being used to fund the development of these businesses. Now there are some like Bitcoin and Litecoin that are still just digital money.   But others like Ethereum, Golem, Stratis, EOS, Factom and others each represent a new type of decentralized company or platform that are part of this new internet 3.0.  And in order to use any of these companies or platforms you'll have to know how to use these new 'digital currencies'.

Some of these new kinds of decentralized companies are already in operation.  For instance http://steemit.com is a hybrid of reddit and facebook where you use Steem coins as a way of rewarding content.  Instead of Zuckerberg and staff at FB choosing what to show you...it's more democratic and the use of Steem coin rewards content makers.

So how do I begin getting into this world?  What's the first baby step I can take? Open a Coinbase account.   

Coinbase is the oldest and most reliable and safe of the online wallets to start buying your first digital 'coins' with.  You can buy a bit of Bitcoin or Ethereum or Litecoin...the three coins they currently support...and begin to learn how to use them.   For example, you can purchase some 'Steem' at Steemit.com by opening an account there and sending some Bitcoin to yourself from Coinbase to Steemit.  Then you'll convert that Bitcoin to Steem to use.

As you become more comfortable with these currencies you might want to open a trading account on a site like Poloniex...which just like a stockmarket trading site allows you to buy, sell or just watch all kinds of digital coins and see their values fluctuate just like a stock.

But frankly the very first step you should take, just so you can get started and start to explore is to open a Coinbase account.

Right now Coinbase has a promotion where they're offering $10 in free Bitcoin to you* if you open an account with just $100, which is exactly what I did to start.  Then you can start playing with it. 

Want to learn even more and become a cryptocurrency expert?  Start reading sites like Cointelegraph.com and Coindesk.com and TheMerkle.com to learn more about all these new currencies and what they do. 

Look, I know it seems intimidating at first.  But trust me, this is not just the future of money, it's the future of the internet being built right in front of our eyes.  This is an amazing opportunity.  Don't miss out like you did the last time.  Just think how many times you've told yourself 'if i had just invested in Facebook or Netflix or Amazon back in 199x...well this is your next chance...because the next version of the internet...the decentralized internet is happening right now, today.  Open your Coinbase account and take your first step into that world today.  You'll thank me later.

*I'll also get a referral bonus but you get your $10 in free Bitcoin and it's the place I recommend to start on your journey to learn about this brand new internet 3.0

Model 3 Interior Boards / Re: instrument tablet
« on: August 27, 2017, 04:56:53 AM »
It is permanently fixed.  As to the durability of it...I guess we'll find out once these Model 3s have been on the road for a few months.


It's hard not to like Marques Brownlee, aka MKBHD, probably the most popular tech reviewer on YouTube.  As a huge fan and owner of Tesla's Model S, Marques is the perfect guy to take an initial spin around in the Model 3 and get his take, especially on how he compares Tesla's lower priced model to their flagship.  So what does he think?  Well I'll let you watch the video to find out but let's just say I wouldn't be surprised if MKBHD has a second care before long.


Fully Charged is a great Youtube based show that put together a great short show on the Model 3 filled with bits of history about Tesla as a company, the story of the Model 3 and infuses the whole thing with some great British humor and lots of great pics and video to boot.  Definitely worth watching.


Many of you might know that the next model that Tesla plans to introduce is the 'Y'.  Based on the same platform as the 3, the Y is set to be a min-SUV, kind of an electric sport-ute or a baby brother to the Model x.  The Model Y is not due to go on sale until 2019 and no pictures of the car exist except for a tease image shown by Elon Musk.  However, a talented graphic designer named Jan Peisert took the teaser image and using his imagination and the Model 3 for design cues whipped up the above video which shows us what the Model Y just might look like.  Great job Jan...we're excited for this next Tesla model and hope it looks as good as your rendering.

So what is the final cost and breakdown for accessories for your Model 3?


Mediakix created an interesting infographic that i've embedded below that shows a variety of interesting metrics to view Tesla Motors by as it rolls out the Model 3.  Stats such as market cap, ad spending, net income and more are all represented and compared to the competition.  It'll be interesting to see how the release of the Model 3 affects these numbers in the long and short term.


Elon Musk, founder and CEO of Tesla Motors tweeted out some pictures of the first production Model 3 shortly after it rolled off of the assembly line on Friday.  We've posted them here for you to see.  So what are your reactions to seeing the final thing?  Is it what you expected?  Still plan on purchasing one?  What about the color?  Do you like the black?  We're looking forward to seeing pics of the interior and controls.


The wait is over!  Today, Friday July 7th, 2017 marks the official start of production for the Tesla Model 3 with sales starting later this month on July 28th.   Founder Elon Musk says his target is to produce 20,000 Model 3s per month by December.  Gene Munster, the tech analyst said "[The Model 3 can] change the world...We believe we will eventually look back at the launch of the Model 3 and compare it to the Apple's iPhone...[it will] advance us to a new paradigm in transportation, car ownership, ride hailing, city development and energy usage."  The Model 3, which starts at $35,000 base but around $40,000 well equipped has garnered over 400,000 preorders since its announcement over a year ago.   Featuring self-driving technology built-in and and over 230 mile range, the Model 3 is expected to be a blockbuster seller rivaling such venerable cars as the BMW 3 series.  It will be interesting to see if Tesla can pull off the introduction without any major hitches.  Stay tuned...we'll be bringing you all the latest info on Tesla's Model 3.  Meanwhile, let us know if you've ordered one in the commets below.


It seems that Tesla's Gigafactory battery metropolis had a fancy new visitor recently and the pics above and below were snapped by various workers and visitors as proof.  Above we see a 3/4 rear shot of the Tesla Model 3 which shows its sexy back half and wrap over glass roof.  Below we have a front shot clearly showing the front fascia and the control panel that is visible next to the steering wheel.

Here's a closeup shot of the center mounted display.  When the car was first shown the display was on a swivel mount that seemed like a temporary position, while this seems to be a more permanent mounting.   The full Model 3 dashboard and interior of course is still yet to be seen at the official 'Part 3' of the Model 3 introduction which will take place in the coming months.  There's more shots at the source below.



At the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Panasonic, Tesla's partner in the creation of the lithium ion batteries that will power Tesla's Model 3 electric autos announced that production had begun inside Tesla's giant Nevada Gigafactory.  The factory is expected to product 35GWh per year of battery cells by 2018, which is about as much as the rest of the world's battery capacity...combined. While at first the batteries will be used in Tesla's Powerwall 2 and Powerpack 2 for use as energy storage in homes, beginning in mid-2017 the factory will also begin making the lithium cells to be used in the Model 3 auto.

The Gigafactory is the biggest battery making facility of its kind in the world and at maximum capacity will be able to pump out most of the batteries needed to power Tesla's projected 500,000 cars per year production volume.  Currently the gigafactory is only 30% completed and occupies 1.9 million square feet but it is rapidly being built out and should be finished during 2017.  Interestingly, Panasonic has another power venture with Tesla.  In October they announced they will team up to create photovoltaic cells for solar panels in New York.


On Wednesday, October 19th, Tesla held it's 'part two' of what is expected to be a three part unveiling for the Tesla 3 model that will begin shipping in 2017.  Part one of course showed us the exterior of the company's low priced sedan and the second event saw CEO Elon Musk announce that all new Tesla vehicles, including the the new 3 plus the existing X and S series will now have the required sensors included for autonomous driving capability.  While this ability will not be available yet and will require a future software upgrade it assures drivers that their cars will not become obsolete when such capability is available.  It also gives another pretty attractive reason to purchase a Tesla over competing models.

As part of the announcement the company showed a video of a Tesla Model X driving itself around an urban environment including entry to a freeway, merging into traffic, exiting off the freeway and finding and self parking. Quite impressive.  All of this is said to be done at safety levels that are greater than a human driver. The sensors that are included in all new vehicles are a very robust assortment including 8 surround cameras for 360 degree coverage, 12 updated ultrasonic sensors plus forward facing radar. In order to run all this hardware the company has developed a new super powerful dedicated onboard computer it calls Tesla Vision in order to make sense of all this incoming data.  So what do you think about this announcement?  Impressed?  Does it make you more eager to purchase a Tesla 3?  Let us know in the comments.

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